Photo workshops / hikes

I invite you to discover the sites you like through a slightly different approach: by getting out of the “auto” mode of your camera and using the options it offers to take shots that are not the traditional vacation pictures.

And the possibilities are multiple (click on the pictures to enlarge them) :

  • Working on the composition of an image:
This way ? …
… or that way ?

  • Understanding A (aperture), S (speed) and M (manual) modes
Work on the depth of field…
… Shoot night pictures

Freeze a dynamic subject …
… Or show its movement

  • Expand your imagination
Take a landscape picture …
… and see something else !

  • Mention the development of your photos
Photo developed by my camera…
… And photo developed by myself

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, I will find the place, the moment and the way that will allow you to create the photo that reflects your personality and that you want to bring back from your experience.

Being bilingual, I offer all these services in English too!


The number of people is voluntarily limited to 5 in order to provide personalized and constructive advice and the duration of these workshops / hikes varies between 2 and 3 hours typically.

The price is as follows: 35 Euros/person for 2 hours and 50 Euros/person for 3 hours.

If you are interested, please leave a message with your details and wishes on my Contact page